
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment Ekitap İndir | PDF | ePub | Mobi

Aynitap.com edebiyat kulübüne hoş geldiniz. Bugün Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment kitabını sizler için incelemeye aldık. Lütfen beğendiğiniz kitapları satın alınız. Unutmayın ki yeni kitaplar yayınlanmazsa bizlerinde var olması mümkün olmayacaktır. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment kitabı için satın alma linkini de aşağıda vereceğiz. Şimdi kitabımıza geçelim:

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment kitabı için yayınlanan açıklama ve basıl bülteni:
“...The way to supersensible knowledge, as described in this book, leads the soul through experiences concerning the nature of which it is especially important that all illusions and misconceptions should be avoided. Yet it is but natural that the latter should arise in such questions as are here considered. In this connection one of the most serious mistakes arises when the whole range of inner experience dealt with in true Spiritual Science, is distorted into appearing in the same category as superstition, visionary dreaming, mediumship (spiritualism) and other degenerate pursuits. This distortion is often due to the fact that persons desirous of following the path described in this book, are confused with others who in their search for supersensible reality, and as a result of methods foreign to a genuine striving for knowledge, wander into undesirable paths. The experiences through which the human soul lives on the path here meant, are wholly confined to the realm of psycho-spiritual occurrence. They are only possible if equal freedom and independence from the bodily life are attained for certain other inner experiences, as is the case during ordinary consciousness, when thoughts are made concerning things outwardly apprehended or inwardly felt and willed, thoughts that do not themselves originate in what is apprehended, felt and willed...”

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