
The Ethics

Bu yazımızda The Ethics kitabını konu edindik. The Ethics hakkında bilmek istediklerinizi ele almaya çalıştık. The Ethics kitabının yazarı kimdir, The Ethics kitabının tanıtım yazısı nedir, The Ethics kitabının kapak resmi nasıldır gibi soruların tamamı bu konumuzda.

The Ethics Tanıtım Bülteni

If anyone asks me the further question, Why are we naturally so prone to divide quantity? I answer, that quantity is conceived by us in two ways; in the abstract and superficially, as we imagine it; or as substance, as we conceive it solely by the intellect. If, then, we regard quantity as it is represented in our imagination, which we often and more easily do, we shall find that it is finite, divisible, and compounded of parts; but if we regard it as it is represented in our intellect, and conceive it as substance, which it is very difficult to do, we shall then, as I have sufficiently proved, find that it is infinite, one, and indivisible.

This will be plain enough to all who make a distinction between the intellect and the imagination, especially if it be remembered, that matter is everywhere the same, that its parts are not distinguishable, except in so far as we conceive matter as diversely modified, whence its parts are distinguished, not really, but modally.




Kitap Adı: The Ethics Yazar: Spinoza Yayınevi: Gece Kitaplığı Hamur Tipi: 2. Hamur Ebat: 13,5 x 21 İlk Baskı Yılı: 2017 Baskı Sayısı: 1. Basım Sayfa Sayısı: 266 Medya Cinsi: Ciltsiz Orijinal Dili: İngilizce ISBN: 9786051809120

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